
K9F1G08U0B Datasheet, Samsung Electronics

K9F1G08U0B memory equivalent, flash memory.

K9F1G08U0B Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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K9F1G08U0B Datasheet

Features and benefits

* Voltage Supply - 3.3V Device(K9F1G08U0B) : 2.70V ~ 3.60V
* Organization - Memory Cell Array : (128M + 4M) x 8bit - Data Register : (2K + 64) x 8bit
* Automa.


where Product failure could result in loss of life or personal or physical harm, or any military or defense application,.


Offered in 128Mx8bit, the K9F1G08U0B is a 1G-bit NAND Flash Memory with spare 32M-bit. Its NAND cell provides the most costeffective solution for the solid state application market. A program operation can be performed in typical 200µs on the (2K+64).

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