K5T6432YT utram equivalent, multi-chip package memory 64m bit 4mx16 four bank nor flash memory / 32m bit 2mx16 utram.
* Power Supply voltage : 2.7 to 3.3 V
* Organization - Flash : 4,194,304 x 16 bit - UtRAM : 2,097,152 x 16 bit
* Access Time (@2.7V) - Flash : 85 ns, UtRAM : .
The K5T6432YT(B)M featuring single 3.0V power supply is a Multi Chip Package Memory which combines 64Mbit Four Bank Flash and 32Mbit UtRAM. The 64Mbit Flash memory is organized as 4M x16 bit and 32Mbit UtRAM is organized as 2M x16 bit. The 64Mbit Fla.
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