SH79F329 - Enhanced 8051 microprocessor
Machine Translated by Google 1. Features 8-bit MCU based on 8051 compatible pipeline instructions ÿ Flash ROM: 32K bytes ÿ RAM: internal 256 bytes, e.PIC16F877A - 28/40/44-Pin Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers
PIC16F87XA 28/40/44-Pin Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers Devices Included in this Data Sheet: • PIC16F873A • PIC16F874A • PIC16F876A • PIC16F877A H.SH79F1611 - Enhanced integrated ADC and PWM 8051 microcontroller
SH79F1611 ADCPWM8051 1. 80518 16 X 16bit 832 / 16bit 132bit Flash ROM:16K RAM:1.5K : fOSC = 400k - 27MHz,VDD = 2.4V - 5.5V (): - :4.SH79F084A - Enhanced 8051 Microcontroller
SH79F084A Enhanced 8051 Microcontroller with 10bit ADC 1. Features 8bits micro-controller with Pipe-line structured 8051 compatible instruction s.PIC16F84A - 18-pin Enhanced Flash/EEPROM 8-Bit Microcontroller
PIC16F84A 18-pin Enhanced FLASH/EEPROM 8-Bit Microcontroller High Performance RISC CPU Features: • Only 35 single word instructions to learn • All in.ICE2A265 - (ICE2xxxx) Second Generation Integrated Power Ics With Enhanced Protection Features And Lowest Standby
( DataSheet : www.DataSheet4U.com ) Datash eet, V ersion 3 .0 , A ugust 2002 CoolSET™-F2 ICE2A0565/165/265/365 ICE2B0565/165/265/365 ICE2A180Z/280Z .TJA1055 - Enhanced Fauit Tolerant CAN Transceiver
www.DataSheet4U.com TJA1055 Enhanced fault-tolerant CAN transceiver Rev. 02 — 30 October 2006 Preliminary data sheet 1. General description The TJA1.TC4953 - 20V P-channel enhanced MOS FET
1 4 2 5 3 6 D SHENZHEN FUMAN ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. TC4953 (:S&CIC0750) 20V P MOS D VDS= -20V RDS(ON), Vgs@-4.5V, Ids@-3A = 62mΩ@TYP RDS(.SH79F1619 - Enhanced 8051 Microcontroller
SH79F1619 Enhanced 8051 Microcontroller with 10bit ADC 1. Features 8bits micro-controller with Pipe-line structured 8051 compatible instruction s.SH79F1615 - Enhanced 8051 Microcontroller
SH79F1615 ADCPWM8051 1. 80518 Flash ROM:16K RAM:1.5K EEPROM:2048 : fOSC = 400k - 27MHz,VDD = 2.4V - 5.5V (): - :400k - 16MHz - :400k - .BYV29FX-600 - Enhanced Ultrafast Rectifier Diode
BYV29FX-600 www.DataSheet4U.com Enhanced ultrafast rectifier diode Rev. 01 — 30 June 2009 Product data sheet 1. Product profile 1.1 General descript.16F84A - 18-pin Enhanced Flash/EEPROM 8-Bit Microcontroller
M PIC16F84A Pin Diagrams PDIP, SOIC RA2 RA3 RA4/T0CKI MCLR VSS RB0/INT RB1 RB2 RB3 •1 18-pin Enhanced Flash/EEPROM 8-Bit Microcontroller Devices In.SH88F2051A - Enhanced 8051 Microcontroller
SH88F2051A/4051A Enhanced 8051 Microcontroller with 10bit ADC 1. Features 8bits micro-controller with Pipe-line structured 8051 compatible instruc.SH79F1616 - ADC with 10-bit enhanced 8051 microcontroller
SH79F1616 10ADC8051 1. 80518 Flash ROM:16K RAM:256,256 EEPROM:1024 : - fOSC = 2M - 12MHz,VDD = 2.0V - 5.5V (): - :2MHz - 12MHz - :2MHz.TC4606 - Dual enhanced MOSFET
SHEN ZHEN FINE MAD ELECTRONICS GROUP CO., LTD. TC4606(:S&CIC1267) MOSFET(N-P ) N 20V/7A RDS(ON)=12mΩ(typ.)@VGS=4.5V RDS(ON)=17mΩ(typ.)@VGS=2.5V.SH88F4051A - Enhanced 8051 Microcontroller
SH88F2051A/4051A Enhanced 8051 Microcontroller with 10bit ADC 1. Features 8bits micro-controller with Pipe-line structured 8051 compatible instruc.