GE02N60 mosfet equivalent, n-channel enhancement mode power mosfet.
Package Dimensions
REF. A b c D E L4 L5
Millimeter Min. Max. 4.40 4.80 0.76 1.00 0.36 0.50 8.60 9.00 9.80 10.4 14.7 15.3 6.20 6.60
REF. c1 b1 L e L1 Ø A1
Millimeter .
The device is suited for DC-DC, DC-AC converters for telecom, industrial and consumer environment. *Dynamic dv/dt Ratin.
The GE02N60 provide the designer with the best combination of fast switching. The TO-220 package is universally preferred for all commercial-industrial applications. The device is suited for DC-DC, DC-AC converters for telecom, industrial and consum.
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