S7A321830M sram equivalent, 1mx36 & 2mx18 sync-pipelined burst sram.
* VDD = 1.8V (1.7V ~ 2.0V) or 2.5V (2.3V ~ 2.7V) or 3.3V (3.1V ~ 3.5V) Power Supply
* VDDQ = 1.7V ~ 2.0V I/O Power Supply (VDD=1.8V) or 2.3V ~ 2.7V I/O Power Supp.
GW, BW, LBO, ZZ. Write cycles are internally self-timed and synchronous. Full bus-width write is done by GW, and each b.
The S7A323630M and S7A321830M are 32,748,736-bit Synchronous Static Random Access Memory designed for high performance. It is organized as 1M(2M) words of 36(18) bits and integrates address and control registers, a 2-bit burst address counter and add.
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