
74AVC16835A Datasheet, nexperia

74AVC16835A driver equivalent, 18-bit registered driver.

74AVC16835A Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-12

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74AVC16835A Datasheet

Features and benefits

* Wide supply voltage range from 1.2 V to 3.6 V
* Complies with JEDEC standards:
* JESD8-7 (1.2 V to 1.95 V)
* JESD8-5 (1.8 V to 2.7 V)
* JESD8-1A (2..


The 74AVC16835A is an 18-bit universal bus driver. Data flow is controlled by output enable (OE), latch enable (LE) and clock inputs (CP). This product is designed to have an extremely fast propagation delay and a minimum amount of power consumption..

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