- G40N60A4

G40N60A4 Datasheet, hgtg40n60a4 equivalent, Fairchild Semiconductor

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Part number: G40N60A4

Manufacturer: Fairchild Semiconductor

File Size: 199.24KB

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Description: HGTG40N60A4

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PDF File Details

Part number: G40N60A4

Manufacturer: Fairchild Semiconductor

File Size: 199.24KB

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Description: HGTG40N60A4

G40N60A4 Features and benefits

of a MOSFET and a bipolar transistor. This device has the high input impedance of a MOSFET and the low on-state conduction loss of a bipolar transistor. The much lower on.

G40N60A4 Application

operating at high frequencies where low conduction losses are essential. This device has been optimized for high frequen.

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Fairchild Semiconductor

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