K4S640832C Datasheet, LVTTL, Samsung semiconductor

K4S640832C Features

  • Lvttl
  • JEDEC standard 3.3V power supply LVTTL compatible with multiplexed address Four banks operation MRS cycle with address key programs -. CAS latenc

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Samsung semiconductor

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📄 Datasheet


64mbit sdram 2m x 8bit x 4 banks synchronous dram lvttl. The K4S640832C is 67,108,864 bits synchronous high data rate Dynamic RAM organized as 4 x 2,097,152 words by 8 bits, fabricated with

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K4S640832C Application

  • Applications
  • ORDERING INFORMATION Part No. K4S640832C-TC/L70 K4S640832C-TC/L80 K4S640832C-TC/L1


Samsung semiconductor

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