VDS = 40V ID =8.8A
RDS(ON) < 35mΩ @ VGS=10V (Type:28mΩ)
VDS = -40V ID =-7.2A
RDS(ON) < 50mΩ @ VGS=-10V (Type:42mΩ)
Wireless charging Boost driver Brushless mo.
, should be limited by total power dissipation.
Max. ----37 50 2.5 --1 5 ±100 --4.8 --------------------4.5 14 1.2
The AP8G04BS uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON), low gate charge and operation with gate voltages as low as 4.5V. This device is suitable for use as a Battery protection or in other Switching application. General Features VD.
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