FGD4536 - 360V PDP IGBT
FGD4536 — 360 V PDP Trench IGBT FGD4536 360 V PDP Trench IGBT Features • High Current Capability • Low Saturation Voltage: VCE(sat) = 1.59 V @ IC = 5.XL6019 - 180KHz 60V 5A Switching Current Boost DC/DC Converter
Datasheet 180KHz 60V 5A Switching Current Boost DC/DC Converter XL6019 Features Wide 5V to 40V Input Voltage Range Positive or Negative Output .2907A - 60V PNP Transistor
PN2907A / MMBT2907A / PZT2907A — 60 V PNP General-Purpose Transistor PN2907A / MMBT2907A / PZT2907A 60 V PNP General-Purpose Transistor Features De.CMB50N06 - N-Channel 60V 45A Power MOSFET
CMB50N06/CMP50N06 N-Channel 60V 45A Power MOSFET General Description Product Summery The 50N06 is extremely high-density N-channel MOSFET, which p.FGPF4536 - 360V PDP Trench IGBT
FGPF4536 — 360 V PDP Trench IGBT FGPF4536 360 V PDP Trench IGBT Features • High Current Capability • Low Saturation Voltage: VCE (sat) =1.59 V @ IC =.2N7002D - 60V N-Channel MOSFET
Chip Integration Technology Corporation 2N7002D 60V N-Channel MOSFET N-Channel MOSFET – ESD Protected Features: ● Simple Drive Requirement ● Small .AO4828 - 60V Dual N-Channel MOSFET
AO4828 60V Dual N-Channel MOSFET General Description The AO4828 uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON) and low gate charge. Thi.FDS4559 - 60V Complementary PowerTrench MOSFET
FDS4559 April 2002 FDS4559 60V Complementary PowerTrenchMOSFET General Description This complementary MOSFET device is produced using Fairchild’s a.AOD409 - 60V P-Channel MOSFET
www.DataSheet4U.com AOD409 P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor General Description The AOD409 uses advanced trench technology to provi.150N06 - Nch 60V 15A Power MOSFET
RSD150N06FRA Nch 60V 15A Power MOSFET Datasheet VDSS RDS(on)(Max.) ID PD 60V 40mΩ ±15A 20W lFeatures 1) Low on - resistance 2) Fast switchin.STP20NE06 - N-CHANNEL 60V - 0.06 OHM - 20A TO-220/TO-220FP STRIPFET POWER MOSFET
® STP20NE06 STP20NE06FP N - CHANNEL 60V - 0.06 Ω - 20A TO-220/TO-220FP STripFET™ POWER MOSFET TYPE STP20NE06 STP20NE06FP s s s s s V DSS 60 V 60 V .CMP3205 - N-Ch 60V Fast Switching MOSFET
CMP3205 N-Ch 60V Fast Switching MOSFETs General Description Product Summery TheCMP3205 is a N-channel Power MOSFET. It has specifically been desig.FDS9945 - 60V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET
FDS9945 February 2001 FDS9945 60V N-Channel PowerTrench® MOSFET General Description These N Channel Logic Level MOSFET have been designed specifical.GW20NC60VD - STGW20NC60VD
STGW20NC60VD 30 A, 600 V, very fast IGBT Features ■ High current capability ■ High frequency operation up to 50 KHz ■ Very soft ultra fast recovery a.CMD50N06 - N-Channel 60V MOSFET
CMD50N06/CMU50N06 N-Channel 60V MOSFET General Description The 50N06 combines advanced trench MOSFET technology with a low resistance package to pro.PFR30L60CTF - 30A 60V MOS Schottky Rectifier
PFC Device Corporation PFR30L60CT PFR30L60CTF PFR30L60CTI PFR30L60CTB 30A 60V MOS Schottky Rectifier Major ratings and characteristics Characteris.CMP50N06 - N-Channel 60V 45A Power MOSFET
CMB50N06/CMP50N06 N-Channel 60V 45A Power MOSFET General Description Product Summery The 50N06 is extremely high-density N-channel MOSFET, which p.S60SC6M - Schottky Rectifiers (SBD)(60V 60A)
SHINDENGEN Schottky Rectifiers (SBD) Dual S60SC6M 60V 60A FEATURES •œ Tj150•Ž •œ PRRSM avalanche guaranteed •œ Small ƒÆ jc •œ High current capacity A.TSM2N7000K - 60V N-Channel MOSFET
TSM2N7000K 60V N-Channel MOSFET TO-92 Pin Definition: 1. Source 2. Gate 3. Drain www.DataSheet4U.com PRODUCT SUMMARY VDS (V) RDS(on)(Ω) 60 5 @ VGS = .GW39NC60VD - N-CHANNEL IGBT
www.DataSheet.co.kr STGW39NC60VD 40 A - 600 V - very fast IGBT Features ■ ■ Low CRES / CIES ratio (no cross conduction susceptibility) IGBT co-packa.