K2545 - (2SK2545) N-Channel MOSFET
2SK2545 TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (π−MOSV) 2SK2545 DC−DC Converter, Relay Drive and Motor Drive Applications Unit: .K2508 - 2SK2508
2SK2508 TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (π−MOSV) 2SK2508 Switching Regulator and DC−DC Converter and Motor Applications z .K2586 - 2SK2586
2SK2586 Silicon N-Channel MOS FET Application High speed power switching Features • Low on-resistance • RDS(on) = 7 m typ. • High speed switching • 4.2SK2561-01R - N-channel MOS-FET
2SK2562-01R FAP-II Series > Features High Speed Switching Low On-Resistance No Secondary Breakdown Low Driving Power High Voltage VGS = ± 30V Guarante.K2542 - 2SK2542
2SK2542 TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (π−MOSV) 2SK2542 Switching Regulator Applications Unit: mm z 4-V gate drive z Lo.K2503 - 2SK2503
Transistors Small switching (60V, 5A) 2SK2503 FFeatures 1) Low on-resistance. 2) Fast switching speed. 3) Wide SOA (safe operating area). 4) Low-volt.2SK2596 - Silicon N-Channel MOSFET
2SK2596 Silicon N-Channel MOS FET UHF Power Amplifier Features • High power output, High gain, High efficiency PG = 12.2 dB, Pout = 1.05 W, ηD = 45%mi.K2543 - 2SK2543
2SK2543 TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (π−MOSV) 2SK2543 Switching Regulator Applications Unit: mm z Low drain−source ON.2SK2508 - N-Channel MOSFET
2SK2508 TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (π−MOSV) 2SK2508 Switching Regulator and DC−DC Converter and Motor Applications z .2SK2595 - Silicon N-Channel MOSFET 2SK2595 Silicon N-Channel MOS FET UHF Power Amplifier REJ03G0206-0300 Rev.3.00 Aug.26.2004 Features • High power output, High ga.K2504 - 2SK2504 2SK2504 Transistors 4V Drive Nch MOS FET 2SK2504 zStructure Silicon N-channel MOS FET zExternal dimensions (Unit : mm) CPT3 6.5 .K2507 - 2SK2507
2SK2507 TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (L2−π−MOSV) 2SK2507 Chopper Regulator, DC−DC Converter and Motor Drive Application.2SK2543 - Silicon N-Channel MOSFET
2SK2543 TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (π−MOSV) 2SK2543 Switching Regulator Applications Unit: mm z Low drain−source ON.2SK2553L - N-Channel MOSFET
2SK2553(L), 2SK2553(S) Silicon N Channel MOS FET High Speed Power Switching ADE-208-357H (Z) 9th. Edition February 1999 Application High speed power .2SK2538 - Silicon N-Channel MOSFET
Power F-MOS FETs 2SK2538 2SK2538 Silicon N-Channel Power F-MOS s Features q Avalanche Unit : mm 0.7±0.1 energy capability guaranteed switching 16.7.2SK2544 - Silicon N-Channel MOSFET
2SK2544 TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (π−MOSV) 2SK2544 Switching Regulator Applications Unit: mm z Low drain−source ON.2SK2545 - N-Channel MOSFET
2SK2545 TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (π−MOSV) 2SK2545 DC−DC Converter, Relay Drive and Motor Drive Applications Unit: .2SK2554 - Silicon N-Channel MOS FET
2SK2554 Silicon N-Channel MOS FET ADE-208-359 D 5th. Edition Application High speed power switching Features • • • • Low on-resistance R DS(on) = 4.2SK2595 - Silicon N-Channel MOSFET 2SK2595 Silicon N-Channel MOS FET UHF Power Amplifier 1st. Edition Features • High power output, High gain, High efficiency PG =.