SP5055 - 2.6GHz Bidirectional I2C BUS Controlled Synthesiser
SP5055 2.6GHz Bidirectional I2C BUS Controlled Synthesiser Supersedes version in April 1994 Consumer IC Handbook, HB3120 - 2.0 DS2384 - 4.4 May 1996 .GD16590 - General PLL Clock Synthesiser
w w a D . w S a t e e h U 4 t m o .c w w w t a .D S a e h U 4 t e .c m o w w w .D a S a t e e h U 4 t m o .c .ACE9030 - Radio Interface and Twin Synthesiser
ACE9030 Radio Interface and Twin Synthesiser Supersedes February 1997 edition, DS4288 - 1.4 DS4288 - 2.0 January 1998 ACE9030 is a combined radio i.SP5659 - 27GHz I2C Bus Low Phase Noise Synthesiser
SP5659 2·7GHz I2C Bus Low Phase Noise Synthesiser Preliminary Information Supersedes March 1996 version, DS4206-1.8 DS4296 - 2.0 June 1998 The SP5659.SP8922 - (SP8921 - SP8923) 40-Channel Citizens Band Synthesiser IC
www.DataSheet4U.com www.DataSheet4U.com www.DataSheet4U www.DataSheet4U.com 4U.com www.DataSheet4U.com www.DataSheet4U.com www.DataSheet4U www.Da.SP8852EIGHCAR - 27GHz Parallel Load Professional Synthesiser
SP8852E 2·7GHz Parallel Load Professional Synthesiser Preliminary Information Supersedes January 1996 version, DS4237 - 1.2 DS4237 - 2.0 June 1998 Th.SP8852D - 1.7GHz PARALLEL LOAD PROFESSIONAL SYNTHESISER
Obsolescence Notice This product is obsolete. This information is available for your convenience only. www.DataSheet4U.com For more information on Z.WL800 - 2.5GHz Frequency Synthesiser
WL800 2.5GHz Frequency Synthesiser Preliminary Information DS4583 1.6 October1997 The WL800 is a low power single chip frequency synthesiser. The cir.NJ8820 - FREQUENCY SYNTHESISER (PROM INTERFACE)
Obsolescence Notice This product is obsolete. This information is available for your convenience only. For more information on Zarlink’s obsolete pro.SP5054 - 2.6GHz 3-Wire BUS Controlled Synthesiser
SP5054 2.6GHz 3-Wire BUS Controlled Synthesiser DS3048 - 3.4 May 1996 The SP5054 is a single-chip frequency synthesiser designed for satellite TV tun.SP5511 - Bidirectional I2C Bus 4-Address Synthesiser
SP5511 Bidirectional I2C Bus 4-Address Synthesiser DS3090 - 4.0 January 1997 The SP5511 is a single-chip frequency synthesiser designed for TV tuning.SP8852 - 27GHz Parallel Load Professional Synthesiser
SP8852E 2·7GHz Parallel Load Professional Synthesiser Preliminary Information Supersedes January 1996 version, DS4237 - 1.2 DS4237 - 2.0 June 1998 Th.SP8853 - 13GHz Professional Synthesiser
SP8853A/B 1·3GHz Professional Synthesiser Supersedes March 1997 version, DS2352 - 3.0 DS2352 - 4.0 March 1998 The SP8853 is a low power single chip s.SP8854E - 27GHz Parallel Load Professional Synthesiser
SP8854E 2·7GHz Parallel Load Professional Synthesiser Preliminary Information Supersedes January 1996 version, DS4238 - 1.2 DS4238 - 2.0 June 1998 Th.ZIF600 - Pager Synthesiser and 4FSK Demodulator
Obsolescence Notice This product is obsolete. This information is available for your convenience only. For more information on Zarlink’s obsolete pro.NJ8821 - FREQUENCY SYNTHESISER
www.DataSheet4U.com NJ8821 DS3278-1.3 NJ8821 FREQUENCY SYNTHESISER (MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE) WITH RESETTABLE COUNTERS The NJ8821 is a synthesiser c.SP8853 - 1.3 GHz Professional Synthesiser
SP8853 1.3 GHz Professional Synthesiser Data Sheet June 2003 The SP8853 is a low power single chip synthesiser intended for professional radio applic.SP8854D - 1.7GHz PARALLEL LOAD PROFESSIONAL SYNTHESISER
Obsolescence Notice This product is obsolete. This information is available for your convenience only. www.DataSheet4U.com For more information on Z.SP8854E - 2.7GHz PARALLEL LOAD PROFESSIONAL SYNTHESISER
Obsolescence Notice This product is obsolete. This information is available for your convenience only. www.DataSheet4U.com For more information on Z.NJ88C30 - VHF SYNTHESISER