n-channel ultrafet trench mosfet.
General Description
* Max rDS(on) = 122m: at VGS = 10V, ID = 2.8A
* Max rDS(on) = 130m: at VGS = 6V, ID = 1.7A
* Low Miller Charge
* Optimized efficienc.
Optimized for rDS(on), low ESR, low total and Miller gate charge, these devices are ideal for high frequency DC to DC c.
* Max rDS(on) = 122m: at VGS = 10V, ID = 2.8A
* Max rDS(on) = 130m: at VGS = 6V, ID = 1.7A
* Low Miller Charge
* Optimized efficiency at high frequencies
* RoHS Compliant
UItraFET devices combine characteristics that enable benc.
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