XP1015 amplifier equivalent, gaas mmic power amplifier.
Excellent Saturated Output Stage Balanced Design Provides Good Input/Output Match 13.0 dB Small Signal Gain +31.0 dBm P1dB Compression Point 100% On-Wafer RF, DC and Outp.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Supply Voltage (Vd) Supply Current (Id1,2,3) Gate Bias Voltage (Vg) Input Power (Pin) Storage.
Mimix Broadband's three stage balanced 43.5 - 46.5 GHz GaAs MMIC power amplifier has a small signal gain of 13.0 dB with a +31.0 dBm P1dB output compression point. The device also includes Lange couplers to achieve good input and output return loss. .
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