1.8v / 2.5v /3.3v differential 4:1 mux w/input equalizer to 1:2 cml clock/data fanout / translator.
* Input Data Rate > 10 Gb/s Typical
* Data Dependent Jitter < 10 ps
* Maximum Input Clock Frequency > 6 GHz Typical
* Random Clock Jitter < 0.8 ps RMS
that do not require Equalization, consider the NB7V572M, which is pin−compatible to the NB7VQ572M.
The differential Cloc.
The NB7VQ572M is a high performance differential 4:1 Clock /
Data input multiplexer and a 1:2 CML Clock / Data fanout buffer that operates up to 7 GHz / 10 Gbps respectively with a 1.8 V, 2.5 V, or 3.3 V power supply.
Each INx / INx input pair incorp.
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