Matsuo's temperature control devices contribute to.
IMBG120R017M2H - Silicon Carbide MOSFET
IMBG120R017M2H CoolSiC™ 1200 V SiC MOSFET G2 Final datasheet CoolSiC™ 1200 V SiC MOSFET G2 : Silicon Carbide MOSFET Features • VDSS = 1200 V at Tvj.HRM2H - (HRM1H / HRM2H) Relay relays Shinmei & hke Relay selection guide A5X RSB FBR46 SEMTRONICS P/L HRM1H HRM2H CS 10 x 15.5 x 11 10 x 20.2 x 14.7 12.6 .IMW65R007M2H - MOSFET
IMW65R007M2H MOSFET CoolSiCªMOSFET650VG2 BuiltonInfineon’srobust2ndgenerationSiliconCarbidetrenchtechnology, the650VCoolSiC™MOSFETd.12M2H008 - 1200V SiC MOSFET
IMBG120R008M2H CoolSiC™ 1200 V SiC MOSFET G2 Final datasheet CoolSiC™ 1200 V SiC MOSFET G2 : Silicon Carbide MOSFET Features • VDSS = 1200 V at Tvj.IMT40R015M2H - 400V MOSFET
Public IMT40R015M2H Final datasheet CoolSiC™ 400V CoolSiC™ G2 MOSFET Features • Ideal for high frequency switching and synchronous rectification • C.IMT40R045M2H - 400V MOSFET
Public IMT40R045M2H Final datasheet CoolSiC™ 400V CoolSiC™ G2 MOSFET Features • Ideal for high frequency switching and synchronous rectification • C.M2HA - Temperature Powerful Sensor
Matsuo's temperature control devices contribute to energy saving for the future of our global environment. Matsuo Electric Co., Ltd. was founded in 19.LQM2HPN1R0MGCL - Inductor
LQM2HPN1R0MGC# “#” indicates a package specification code. < List of part numbers with package codes > LQM2HPN1R0MGCL , LQM2HPN1R0MGCB Shape L size .IMW65R015M2H - MOSFET
IMW65R015M2H MOSFET CoolSiCªMOSFET650VG2 BuiltonInfineon’srobust2ndgenerationSiliconCarbidetrenchtechnology, the650VCoolSiC™MOSFETd.IMZA65R007M2H - MOSFET
IMZA65R007M2H MOSFET CoolSiCªMOSFET650VG2 BuiltonInfineon’srobust2ndgenerationSiliconCarbidetrenchtechnology, the650VCoolSiC™MOSFET.IMW65R050M2H - MOSFET
IMW65R050M2H MOSFET CoolSiCªMOSFET650VG2 BuiltonInfineon’srobust2ndgenerationSiliconCarbidetrenchtechnology, the650VCoolSiC™MOSFETd.IMBG40R015M2H - MOSFET
Public IMBG40R015M2H Final datasheet CoolSiC™ 400V CoolSiC™ G2 MOSFET Features • Ideal for high frequency switching and synchronous rectification • .IMBG40R036M2H - 400V MOSFET
Public IMBG40R036M2H Final datasheet CoolSiC™ 400V CoolSiC™ G2 MOSFET Features • Ideal for high frequency switching and synchronous rectification • .uRAM2H23 - Output Ripple Attenuation Module
PRELIMINARY 45 Features • >40dB ripple attenuation from 60Hz to 1MHz • Integrated OR’ing diode supports N+1 redundancy • Significantly improves load .M2H - Temperature Powerful Sensor
Matsuo's temperature control devices contribute to energy saving for the future of our global environment. Matsuo Electric Co., Ltd. was founded in 19.LQM2HPNR47MGHB - Inductor
LQM2HPNR47MGH# “#” indicates a package specification code. < List of part numbers with package codes > LQM2HPNR47MGHL , LQM2HPNR47MGHB Shape L size .IMBG65R050M2H - MOSFET
IMBG65R050M2H MOSFET CoolSiCªMOSFET650VG2 BuiltonInfineon’srobust2ndgenerationSiliconCarbidetrenchtechnology, the650VCoolSiC™MOSFET.IMBG65R040M2H - MOSFET
IMBG65R040M2H MOSFET CoolSiCªMOSFET650VG2 BuiltonInfineon’srobust2ndgenerationSiliconCarbidetrenchtechnology, the650VCoolSiC™MOSFET.IMW65R020M2H - MOSFET
IMW65R020M2H MOSFET CoolSiCªMOSFET650VG2 BuiltonInfineon’srobust2ndgenerationSiliconCarbidetrenchtechnology, the650VCoolSiC™MOSFETd.IMT40R011M2H - 400V G2 MOSFET
Public IMT40R011M2H Final datasheet CoolSiC™ 400V CoolSiC™ G2 MOSFET Features • Ideal for high frequency switching and synchronous rectification • C.