NE5550279A - Silicon Power LDMOS FET
Data Sheet NE5550279A Silicon Power LDMOS FET R09DS0033EJ0100 Rev.1.00 Mar 28, 2012 FEATURES • High Output Power : Pout = 33.0 dBm TYP. (VDS = 7..NE5550979A - Silicon Power LDMOS FET
Data Sheet NE5550979A Silicon Power LDMOS FET R09DS0031EJ0300 Rev.3.00 Mar 12, 2013 FEATURES • High Output Power : Pout = 39.5 dBm TYP. (VDS = 7..AFT05MS006NT1 - RF Power LDMOS Transistor
Freescale Semiconductor Technical Data RF Power LDMOS Transistor High Ruggedness N--Channel Enhancement--Mode Lateral MOSFET Designed for handheld t.BLF881S - UHF Power LDMOS Transistor
BLF881; BLF881S UHF power LDMOS transistor Rev. 01 — 10 December 2009 Preliminary data sheet 1. Product profile 1.1 General description A 140 W LDMOS.BLF188XR - Power LDMOS transistor
BLF188XR; BLF188XRS Power LDMOS transistor Rev. 5 — 12 November 2013 Product data sheet 1. Product profile 1.1 General description A 1400 W extrem.MQ051K1VPX - High Power RF LDMOS FET
MQ051K1VPX LDMOS TRANSISTOR Document Number: MQ051K1VPX Preliminary Datasheet V1.0 1100W, 50V High Power RF LDMOS FETs Description The MQ051K1VPX is.BLF8G09LS-400PW - Power LDMOS transistor
BLF8G09LS-400PW; BLF8G09LS-400PGW Power LDMOS transistor Rev. 5 — 1 September 2015 Product data sheet 1. Product profile 1.1 General description 40.BLF6G27-10G - Power LDMOS transistor
BLF6G27-10; BLF6G27-10G WiMAX power LDMOS transistor Rev. 5 — 1 September 2015 Product data sheet 1. Product profile 1.1 General description 10 W .MX0525 - High Power RF LDMOS FET
MX0525 LDMOS TRANSISTOR 250W, 28V High Power RF LDMOS FETs Description The MX0525 is a 250-watt, highly rugged, unmatched LDMOS FET, designed for wide.BLF878 - UHF power LDMOS transistor
BLF878 UHF power LDMOS transistor Rev. 02 — 15 June 2009 www.DataSheet4U.com Product data sheet 1. Product profile 1.1 General description A 300 W L.BLP9G0722-20G - Power LDMOS transistor
BLP9G0722-20; BLP9G0722-20G Power LDMOS transistor Rev. 3 — 26 February 2018 Product data sheet 1. Product profile 1.1 General description 20 W pla.BLF888D - UHF power LDMOS transistor
BLF888D; BLF888DS UHF power LDMOS transistor Rev. 2 — 27 June 2014 Product data sheet 1. Product profile 1.1 General description A 600 W LDMOS RF p.BLL9G1214L-600 - LDMOS L-band radar power transistor
BLL9G1214L-600; BLL9G1214LS-600 LDMOS L-band radar power transistor Rev. 1 — 27 November 2017 Product data sheet 1. Product profile 1.1 General des.ITCH16045A2 - High Power RF LDMOS FET
Innogration (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Document Number: ITCH16045A Preliminary Datasheet V2.0 1300-1700MHz, 45W, 28V High Power RF LDMOS FETs Description T.0809LD60P - 60 Watt / 28V / 1 Ghz LDMOS FET
R.0.2P.991602-BEHRE 0809LD60P 60 WATT, 28V, 1 GHz LDMOS FET PRELIMINARY ISSUE GENERAL DESCRIPTION The 0809LD60P is a common source N-Channel enhance.BLF888A - Power LDMOS transistor
BLF888A; BLF888AS UHF power LDMOS transistor Rev. 6 — 1 September 2015 Product data sheet 1. Product profile 1.1 General description A 600 W LDMOS .BLF861 - UHF power LDMOS transistor
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET M3D392 BLF861 UHF power LDMOS transistor Preliminary specification 1999 Aug 26 Philips Semiconductors Prelimin.